Indonesian cuisine "onde onde"

Thursday, January 20, 2011 0 comments
           Onde-onde is a kind of snack cakes a popular market in Indonesia. This cake is very popular in the area known as the city of Mojokerto onde-onde from Majapahit era. Onde-onde can be found in traditional markets and sold on street vendors. Onde-onde is also popular, especially in Chinatown in both Indonesia and abroad.

         Onde-onde is made from wheat flour or glutinous rice flour-fried or boiled and its surface is paved / dibalur with sesame seeds. There are a variety of variations, the best known are the onde-onde made of glutinous rice flour in it filled pasta and green beans. Another variation is only made from wheat flour and is color-coded on the surface like a white, red, or green, known as wheat onde-onde, onde-onde, which is typical of the town of Mojokerto.